Hello everybody,

it has been quite a while, but we did not give up. We were in a summer break and, partly, in parental leave and are now back. We presented our framework on the International Conference on Software Reuse 2016 and you can find our technical demo paper here. Currently, we are working on the usage of recalot, the evaluation of the framework and we performing several offline evaluation which we will publish on this website and hopefully as a paper. At the same time, we are working on the website and including documentation and demos. If you have any feedback, we are glad to hear from you. Just write an e-mail to info@recalot.com




We are glad to announce that JetBrains approved our request for an Open Source license and ackowledged recalot.com as an Open Source project.

(JPEG-Grafik, 151 × 151 Pixel)


Thank you JetBrains for this.



Welcome everybody to the recalot.com Blog. We are currently working on the website and will add documentation and examples in the near future. The first steps of our engine were to develop a concept, implement it and publish everything. Therefore, we are proud that our description about recalot.com was accepted as a technical paper on the The 15th International Conference on Software Reuse (ICSR-15) which will be held on June 5-7 2016 in Cyprus and published by Springer in the book Software Reuse: Bridging with Social-Awareness . Thank you to all contributors.



Matthäus Schmedding